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Text File  |  1991-01-28  |  11KB  |  556 lines

  1. Ventura Symbols,65534,0
  2. System,1,0
  3. Courier,102,0
  4. Helv,2,0
  5. Tms Rmn,14,0
  6. Modern,65533,0
  7. Roman,65532,0
  8. Script,187,0
  9. AvantGarde,51,0
  10. Bookman,23,0
  11. Helvetica-Narrow,50,0
  12. NewCenturySchlbk,20,0
  13. Palatino,21,0
  14. Symbol,128,128
  15. ZapfChancery,29,0
  16. ZapfDingbats,129,128
  17. Swiss,2,0
  18. Dutch,14,0
  19. Symbol A Proportional,128,128
  20. PS Symbol Proportional,128,128
  21. Univers (E1),2,0
  22. CG Times (E1),14,0
  23. Bitstream Cooper,8,0
  24. Bits Charter,9,0
  25. Bitstream Charter,9,0
  26. Cloister,10,0
  27. University,11,0
  28. ITC Garamond,12,0
  29. Coronet,17,0
  30. ITC Tiffany,18,0
  31. Century Schoolbk,20,0
  32. Zapf Calligraph,21,0
  33. ITC Bookman,23,0
  34. ITC Lubalin Grph,24,0
  35. ITC Souvenir,25,0
  36. ITC Benguiat,26,0
  37. ITC Zapf Chance,29,0
  38. Activa,30,0
  39. Zapf Elliptical,31,0
  40. ITC Galliard,32,0
  41. Baskerville,33,0
  42. Goudy,34,0
  43. Park Avenue,35,0
  44. Bodoni,36,0
  45. ITC Cheltenham,39,0
  46. Brush Script,41,0
  47. Windsor,44,0
  48. ITC Avant Garde,51,0
  49. Zapf Humanist,52,0
  50. ITC Korinna,53,0
  51. Swiss II,54,0
  52. Franklin Gothic,56,0
  53. Swiss Condensed,59,0
  54. Zurich Condensed,59,0
  55. Swiss Cond II,60,0
  56. Provence,61,0
  57. Futura,62,0
  58. Hammersmith,63,0
  59. Zurich,65,0
  60. Provence Compact,70,0
  61. Dom Casual,75,0
  62. Broadway,80,0
  63. ITC Avant Gd II,81,0
  64. Futura III,82,0
  65. Futura II,83,0
  66. Futura Condensed,86,0
  67. News Gothic,87,0
  68. Hobo,88,0
  69. ITC Am Typewrtr,100,0
  70. Courier 10,102,0
  71. Prestige 12,103,0
  72. Orator,104,0
  73. Letter Gothic 12,105,0
  74. Symbol A Prop,128,128
  75. ITC ZapfDingbats,129,128
  76. Symbol A Mono,133,128
  77. PS Symbol Monospaced,133,128
  78. Serifa,157,0
  79. Serifa II,158,0
  80. ITC Garamond Con,159,0
  81. Bits Cooper II,161,0
  82. Clarendon,162,0
  83. Goudy II,163,0
  84. Blippo,164,0
  85. Exotic,165,0
  86. Swiss Compressed,166,0
  87. Swiss Extra Comp,167,0
  88. Slate,168,0
  89. Slate II,169,0
  90. ITC Clearface,170,0
  91. Handel Gothic,171,0
  92. Bitstrm Amerigo,172,0
  93. Franklin Gthc Cn,173,0
  94. Franklin Gthc XC,174,0
  95. ITC Am Twrtr Con,175,0
  96. ITC Lubaln Gr II,176,0
  97. Bernhard Modern,178,0
  98. Zurich Extended,179,0
  99. Zurich Extend II,180,0
  100. Mermaid,182,0
  101. P.T. Barnum,183,0
  102. Kaufmann,184,0
  103. ITC Bolt,185,0
  104. Pica,186,0
  105. Swiss Monospaced,188,0
  106. Zurich II,237,0
  107. Futura IV,238,0
  108. Helv,2,0
  109. Charlemagne,3,0
  110. Bodoni BoldCondensed,4,0
  111. Bodoni PosterItalic,5,0
  112. Bodoni PosterCompressed,6,0
  113. UniversityRoman,7,0
  114. CooperBlack,8,0
  115. AGaramond,9,0
  116. AGaramond Bold,10,0
  117. AGaramond Titling,11,0
  118. Utopia,12,0
  119. Utopia Bold,13,0
  120. Utopia Black,15,0
  121. Utopia Titling,16,0
  122. Trajan,17,0
  123. Tiffany,18,0
  124. TiffanyHeavy,19,0
  125. Garamond,22,0
  126. LubalinGraph,24,0
  127. Souvenir,25,0
  128. Benguiat,26,0
  129. Glypha,27,0
  130. FrizQuadrata,28,0
  131. TrumpMediaeval,30,0
  132. Melior,31,0
  133. Galliard,32,0
  134. NewBaskerville,33,0
  135. New Baskerville,33,0
  136. ParkAvenue,35,0
  137. BodoniPoster,37,0
  138. CenturyOldStyle,38,0
  139. Cheltenham,39,0
  140. Bodoni Book,40,0
  141. BrushScript,41,0
  142. Frank Goth,42,0
  143. Frank Goth Cd,43,0
  144. Frank Goth ECd,44,0
  145. Lucida,45,0
  146. BauerBodoni Black,46,0
  147. BauerBodoni BoldCond,47,0
  148. Meridien Roman,48,0
  149. Meridien Medium,49,0
  150. Optima,52,0
  151. Korinna,53,0
  152. Helvetica-Light,54,0
  153. Helvetica-Black,55,0
  154. FranklinGothic,56,0
  155. FrGothHeavy,57,0
  156. HelvCondLight,58,0
  157. Novarese Book,59,0
  158. HelvCondBlk,60,0
  159. Novarese Medium,61,0
  160. StempelSchneidler,63,0
  161. StempelSchneidler Light,65,0
  162. Ant Olive Nd,66,0
  163. Ant Olive BC,67,0
  164. Ant Olive Cp,68,0
  165. Reporter Two,71,0
  166. Mistral,72,0
  167. Berkeley Black,73,0
  168. Berkeley Book,74,0
  169. Berkeley,75,0
  170. Helvetica Ins,76,0
  171. Present,77,0
  172. Life,78,0
  173. Sabon,79,0
  174. Avenir 35,80,0
  175. Avenir 45,81,0
  176. FuturaLight,82,0
  177. Futura,83,0
  178. Frutiger 45,84,0
  179. Frutiger 55,85,0
  180. Frutiger 95,86,0
  181. Frutiger,84,0
  182. NewsGothic,87,0
  183. Revue,89,0
  184. FreestyleScript,90,0
  185. UniversLight,91,0
  186. Univers,92,0
  187. UniversBlack,93,0
  188. UniversCondLight,94,0
  189. UniversCond,95,0
  190. KuenstlerScript TwoBold,96,0
  191. StoneSansSemibold,97,0
  192. StoneSans,98,0
  193. ArnoldBoecklin,99,0
  194. AmericanTypewriter,100,0
  195. Machine,101,0
  196. FetteFraktur,3116,0
  197. PrestigeElite,103,0
  198. LetterGothic,105,0
  199. Avenir 55,106,0
  200. Walbaum,107,0
  201. Post Antiqua,108,0
  202. Concorde,109,0
  203. Ant Olive Bl,110,0
  204. Ant Olive,111,0
  205. Ant Olive Lt,112,0
  206. Avenir 65,113,0
  207. Candida,115,0
  208. Impressum,116,0
  209. VAG Rounded Th,119,0
  210. VAG Rounded Lt,120,0
  211. Akzidenz Gr,121,0
  212. Akzidenz Gr Lt,122,0
  213. KuenstlerScript Medium,123,0
  214. Bauer Bodoni,124,0
  215. HelveticaCondensed,126,0
  216. StplGaramond,127,0
  217. Sonata,130,128
  218. Cheq,131,128
  219. Carta,132,128
  220. OCRA,134,128
  221. OCRB,135,128
  222. MICR,136,128
  223. Univ NewsCommPi,140,128
  224. Univ GreekwMath,141,128
  225. L Centennial 95,150,0
  226. Stencil,151,0
  227. Aachen,152,0
  228. StoneSerif,153,0
  229. StoneSerifSemibold,154,0
  230. StoneInformal,155,0
  231. StoneInformalSemibold,156,0
  232. Peignot Light,157,0
  233. Peignot Demi,158,0
  234. L Centennial 45,159,0
  235. L Centennial 55,160,0
  236. CaslonOpenFace,161,0
  237. CenturyExpanded,162,0
  238. Garamond 3,163,0
  239. Clarendon Light,164,0
  240. Kaufmann,166,0
  241. ITCKabel Book,167,0
  242. ITCKabel Medium,168,0
  243. ITCKabel Ultra,169,0
  244. SerifGothic,170,0
  245. SerifGoth-Light,171,0
  246. SerifGoth-Heavy,172,0
  247. SerifGoth-Black,173,0
  248. Americana,174,0
  249. Americana ExBld,175,0
  250. Clearface,176,0
  251. Clearface Bold,177,0
  252. Weiss,178,0
  253. Weiss ExtraBold,179,0
  254. NewAster,180,0
  255. Hiroshige Book,181,0
  256. Hiroshige Med,182,0
  257. Tempo,183,0
  258. Bauhaus Medium,184,0
  259. Bauhaus Light,185,0
  260. Bauhaus Heavy,186,0
  261. Gothic 13,188,0
  262. Folio Light,189,0
  263. Folio Medium,190,0
  264. Folio BoldCond,191,0
  265. Linoscript,192,0
  266. Linotext,193,0
  267. DomCasual,194,0
  268. NAster SemiBold,197,0
  269. Parisian,198,0
  270. Umbra,199,0
  271. Serifa 55,200,0
  272. Serifa 45,201,0
  273. TimesTen,202,0
  274. Helvetica 25,203,0
  275. Helvetica 95,204,0
  276. Helvetica 35,205,0
  277. Helvetica 55,206,0
  278. Helvetica 45,207,0
  279. Helvetica 65,208,0
  280. New Caledonia,209,0
  281. New Caledonia Semi Bold,210,0
  282. Copperplate29ab,211,0
  283. Copperplate29bc,212,0
  284. Copperplate30ab,213,0
  285. Copperplate30bc,214,0
  286. Copperplate31ab,215,0
  287. Goudy ExtraBold,216,0
  288. Goudy Heavyface,217,0
  289. Copperplate31bc,218,0
  290. Eras Light,219,0
  291. Eras Book,220,0
  292. Eras,221,0
  293. Eras Demi,222,0
  294. Eras Ultra,223,0
  295. Copperplate32ab,224,0
  296. Copperplate32bc,225,0
  297. Copperplate33bc,226,0
  298. CascadeScript,227,0
  299. MediciScript,228,0
  300. NuptialScript,229,0
  301. Janson Text,230,0
  302. Souvenir Medium,231,0
  303. Caslon 540,232,0
  304. Belwe Condensed,233,0
  305. Belwe Medium,234,0
  306. Belwe,235,0
  307. Caslon 3,236,0
  308. Italia Medium,237,0
  309. Italia,238,0
  310. Corona,239,0
  311. MemphisExtraBold,240,0
  312. MemphisMedium,241,0
  313. MemphisLight,242,0
  314. HelvUltraCompressed,243,0
  315. HelvExtraCompressed,244,0
  316. HelvCompressed,245,0
  317. LucidaSans,246,0
  318. FuturaCondExtraBold,247,0
  319. FuturaCondMedium,248,0
  320. FuturaCondLight,249,0
  321. FuturaExtraBold,250,0
  322. FuturaMedium,251,0
  323. Excelsior,252,0
  324. EurostileBold,253,0
  325. Eurostile,254,0
  326. LucidMatSym,1000,0
  327. LucidMatIta,1001,0
  328. LucidMatExt,1002,0
  329. AGaramondAlt,1003,0
  330. AGaramondExp,1004,0
  331. AGaramondExp Bold,1005,0
  332. UtopiaExp Black,1006,0
  333. UtopiaExp Bold,1007,0
  334. UtopiaExp,1008,0
  335. Utopia Ornaments,1009,0
  336. Lithos ExtraLight,1010,0
  337. Lithos Light,1011,0
  338. Lithos Regular,1012,0
  339. Juniper,1013,0
  340. Ironwood,1014,0
  341. Cottonwood,1015,0
  342. Mesquite,1016,0
  343. Ponderosa,1017,0
  344. Woodtype Ornaments 1,1018,0
  345. Tekton,1019,0
  346. AvantGarde CondMedium,3022,0
  347. AvantGarde CondBook,3023,0
  348. Minister Light,3024,0
  349. Minister Book,3025,0
  350. TradeGothic Light,3027,0
  351. TradeGothic Bold,3028,0
  352. TradeGothic,3029,0
  353. TradeGothic CondEighteen,3030,0
  354. Raleigh,3036,0
  355. Raleigh Medium,3037,0
  356. Minister Black,3040,0
  357. Eurostile Condensed,3103,0
  358. Eurostile ExtendedTwo,3104,0
  359. Syntax,3105,0
  360. Syntax Black,3106,0
  361. Syntax UltraBlack,3107,0
  362. StempelSchneidler Medium,3273,0
  363. CG Times (WN),14,0
  364. CG Times (US),14,0
  365. Helvetica,2,0
  366. Times,14,0
  367. Nimbus Sans,2,0
  368. Nimbus Roman,14,0
  369. Nimbus Mono,102,0
  370. URW SymbolPS,128,128
  371. Century Schoolbook,20,0
  372. Palermo,21,0
  373. Nimbus Sans Narrow,50,0
  374. ITC Zapf Dinbats,129,128
  375. ITC Zapf Chancery,29,0
  376. Dutch (scalable),14,0
  377. Swiss (scalable),2,0
  378. Tekton,1019,0
  379. Minion Ornaments,1024,0
  380. Minion Swash Display Italic,1025,0
  381. Minion Swash Italic,1026,0
  382. Minion Expert,1030,0
  383. SnellRoundhand BoldScript,3054,0
  384. SnellRoundhand Script,3055,0
  385. Univers (WN),92,0
  386. Dixon,2,0
  387. Marin,14,0
  388. Cobb,102,0
  389. Swis721 BT,2,0
  390. Cooper Blk BT,8,0
  391. Dutch801 BT,14,0
  392. ParkAvenue BT,35,0
  393. BrushScript BT,41,0
  394. Antique-Olive,11,0
  395. Antique Olive,11,0
  396. New Century Schlbk,20,0
  397. Friz Quadrata,28,0
  398. Helvetica Narrow,50,0
  399. Tiffany Heavy,19,0
  400. Goudy-Old-Style,34,0
  401. Park_Avenue,35,0
  402. Old-Town,36,0
  403. News-Gothic,87,0
  404. Antiqua,37031,0       
  405. Antiqua Ultra,37032,0 
  406. Britannic,37009,0
  407. Britannic Light,37010,0
  408. Brody,37011,0
  409. Chaucer,37006,0
  410. Clearface Gothic,37019,0
  411. Clearface Gothic Extra Bold,37021,0
  412. Cooper,8,0
  413. Copperplate Bold,37017,0
  414. Eurostile Extended,37005,0
  415. Flange,37022,0
  416. Flange Light,37023,0
  417. Frugal Sans,37002,0
  418. Goudy Catalog Italic,37013,0
  419. Goudy Old Style,34,0
  420. ITC Avant Garde Gothic,51,0
  421. ITC Clearface Black,37020,0
  422. ITC Garamond Condensed,159,0
  423. ITC New Baskerville,33,0
  424. ITC Zapf Chancery,29,0
  425. ITC Zapf Dingbats,129,128
  426. Zapf Chancery,29,0
  427. Avant Garde,51,0
  428. Helvetica Light,54,0
  429. Helvetica Heavy,55,0
  430. Franklin Heavy,57,0
  431. American Typewriter,100,0
  432. Zapf Dingbats,129,128
  433. Kaufmann Bold,184,0
  434. Mariage,37003,0
  435. Murray Hill,37008,0
  436. News Serif,14,0
  437. Old Towne No.536,36,0
  438. PCLIR,64042,0
  439. Palton Light,37007,0
  440. Sans,2,0
  441. Sans Black Condensed,37025,0
  442. Sans Condensed,50,0
  443. Sans Extended,37027,0
  444. Sans Light Extended,37026,0
  445. Sans Thin Condensed,37028,0
  446. Serpentine,37024,0
  447. Square Serif,37016,0
  448. Square Serif Black,37015,0
  449. Symbols,128,128
  450. Vivaldi,37018,0
  451. American Uncial,2000,0
  452. Ariston,2001,0
  453. Flora,2002,0
  454. Garamond Medium,2003,0
  455. Helvetica Thin,2004,0
  456. Old Town,2005,0
  457. Slogan,2006,0
  458. Times Heavy,2007,0
  459. Caslon,2008,0
  460. AmericanUncialCnd,2009,0
  461. AmericanUncialExt,2010,0
  462. AntiqueOliveCnd,2011,0
  463. AntiqueOliveExt,2012,0
  464. BlippoCnd,2013,0
  465. BlippoExt,2014,0
  466. BodoniCnd,2015,0
  467. BodoniExt,2016,0
  468. BroadwayCnd,2017,0
  469. BroadwayExt,2018,0
  470. CooperCnd,2019,0
  471. CooperExt,2020,0
  472. EurostileCnd,2021,0
  473. EurostileExt,2022,0
  474. FloraCnd,2023,0
  475. FloraExt,2024,0
  476. FrutigerCnd,2025,0
  477. FrutigerExt,2026,0
  478. FuturaCnd,2027,0
  479. FuturaExt,2028,0
  480. GaramondCnd,2029,0
  481. GaramondExt,2030,0
  482. GaramondMediumCnd,2031,0
  483. GaramondMediumExt,2032,0
  484. GoudyCnd,2033,0
  485. GoudyExt,2034,0
  486. HelveticaCnd,2035,0
  487. HelveticaExt,2036,0
  488. LatinWideCnd,2037,0
  489. LatinWideExt,2038,0
  490. NewBaskervilleCnd,2039,0
  491. NewBaskervilleExt,2040,0
  492. NewCenturySchlbkCnd,2041,0
  493. NewCenturySchlbkExt,2042,0
  494. NewsGothicCnd,2043,0
  495. NewsGothicExt,2044,0
  496. OldTownCnd,2045,0
  497. OldTownExt,2046,0
  498. PalatinoCnd,2047,0
  499. PalatinoExt,2048,0
  500. StencilCnd,2049,0
  501. StencilExt,2050,0
  502. TimesCnd,2051,0
  503. TimesExt,2052,0
  504. UniversCnd,2053,0
  505. UniversExt,2054,0
  506. Novarese Ultra,2055,0
  507. Latin Wide,2056,0
  508. LinePrinter,2057,0
  509. HelveticaHeavyCnd,2058,0
  510. HelveticaHeavyExt,2059,0
  511. HelveticaLightCnd,2060,0
  512. HelveticaLightExt,2061,0
  513. HelveticaThinCnd,2062,0
  514. HelveticaThinExt,2063,0
  515. TimesHeavyCnd,2064,0
  516. TimesHeavyExt,2065,0
  517. AachenCnd,2066,0
  518. AachenExt,2067,0
  519. AmericanTypewriterCnd,2068,0
  520. AmericanTypewriterExt,2069,0
  521. AvantGardeCnd,2070,0
  522. AvantGardeExt,2071,0
  523. BenguiatCnd,2072,0
  524. BenguiatExt,2073,0
  525. CaslonCnd,2074,0
  526. CaslonExt,2075,0
  527. FranklinGothicCnd,2076,0
  528. FranklinGothicExt,2077,0
  529. FranklinHeavyCnd,2078,0
  530. FranklinHeavyExt,2079,0
  531. FrizQuadrataCnd,2080,0
  532. FrizQuadrataExt,2081,0
  533. HelveticaNarrowCnd,2082,0
  534. HelveticaNarrowExt,2083,0
  535. HoboCnd,2084,0
  536. HoboExt,2085,0
  537. MachineCnd,2086,0
  538. MachineExt,2087,0
  539. OptimaCnd,2088,0
  540. OptimaExt,2089,0
  541. RevueCnd,2090,0
  542. RevueExt,2091,0
  543. SouvenirCnd,2092,0
  544. SouvenirExt,2093,0
  545. TiffanyHeavyCnd,2094,0
  546. TiffanyHeavyExt,2095,0
  547. TiffanyCnd,2096,0
  548. TiffanyExt,2097,0
  549. ZapfChanceryCnd,2098,0
  550. ZapfChanceryExt,2099,0
  551. Architect,2100,0
  552. ArnoldBoecklin,2101,0
  553. PostCrypt,2102,0
  554. SaintFrancis,2103,0